Social Purpose and Sustainability

In this new era of heightened transparency and accountability, companies need to understand that meaningful action around social purpose and sustainability will make them more relevant to their customers and other key audiences.
Companies are under enormous pressure from consumers, investors, the media and watchdogs to live their values, forcing all companies to demonstrate – in their workplaces and supply chains – not only a commitment to environmental and social purpose goals, but concrete progress.
Employing Brodeur’s strategic Relevance framework, we help companies define their purpose, develop action strategies, report progress, and deeply engage customers and other key audiences.
We help clients navigate this new normal through a proprietary data-driven diagnostic called Active Purpose (AP) to help companies and organizations meet these increasing demands.
Our Approach:
Active Purpose – as measured by performance in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas – has become critical for B2B companies. Brodeur’s AP diagnostic includes four key support areas:
• Issues & Insights Benchmarking – a series of ‘state-of-play’ research reports and an always-on dashboard to keep clients ahead in their industries, as well as their issues
• Strategic Blueprinting –a content-based framework structured around a company’s ‘true-north,’ what’s most material to their business, and their societal goals grounded in modern reporting frameworks
• Communications Campaign Planning – an active planning platform that moves companies from passive disclosures and metrics to more active impacts; and creative storytelling and engagement with key audiences
• Stakeholder Mapping – a co-created, collaborative methodology to move from passive stakeholder engagement to active stakeholder impact.
At Brodeur, we understand that the approval of today’s conscious consumer requires companies to be transparent and operate with a commitment to sustainability and societal values. Let’s talk about how we can help you achieve and communicate operating with a purpose—and making it relevant.