Relevance Research

We continue to develop and refine our strategic planning platform and research methodology so we can better understand how things become and stay relevant in people’s lives.
We conduct ongoing primary and secondary research to gain new insights on how brands and ideas can become more relevant with customers, prospects and communities.
How Brand Impacts Share Price
New research by Brodeur Partners, in partnership with Interbrand and NewtonX, unveils a powerful connection between brand and share price.
Brand Purpose Spotlight
We hope you find this a quick but informative discussion of how brand purpose may be impacted in 2023.
ESG Snapshot
This Snapshot aims to provide an objective and balanced perspective on ESG. The Snapshot is a compendium of commentary intended to give our Brodeur staff a lens through which to view recent analyses on ESG.
Electric Vehicles: A Snapshot on Progress
As a car enthusiast, you know that the Electric Vehicle (EV) category is experiencing strong growth in 2022, but there are a lot of challenges to overcome, including driving range, infrastructure development, material sourcing and growing sustainability concerns
Engaging Supply Chain on Purpose: CSR-Sustainability’s Next Frontier
In today’s globalized economy, outsourcing business operations doesn’t mean outsourcing responsibilities or risks—or that a company’s responsibility ends once a product is sold. Leading companies understand that they have a role to play throughout the lifecycle of their products and services.
Brodeur Partners Relevance study: the impact of COVID-19, racial strife and political division in America
Amid racial strains, a pandemic and a divided political climate, Americans place increased emphasis on safety, mental/physical health, personal finances and friends and family, research from Brodeur Partners suggests.
Study by Brodeur Partners Shows Generational Shifts in How News is Consumed
Brodeur Partners released the findings from its Relevance Study on the media consumption habits of Generation Z, the “digital native generation” born between 1995 and the mid-2000’s
Connecting with your customers by understanding the Tribes they belong to
Our Relevance Research discusses how you can create a deep, lasting relationship with the people who keep you in business.
Making Infrastructure Investment Relevant Again
Pundits agree: Improving our nation’s infrastructure would be a perfect way for Washington to display rare bipartisanship and create jobs. But badly needed investment for our nation’s aging infrastructure remains elusive. So how does one make infrastructure investment relevant again?
Why Tribes are the New Segmentation
Shared experiences – more than interests, geographies or professions – spur the formation of modern-day communities, or tribes.
What's Holding Wearables Back?
Do fitness wearables have a relevance challenge? You might not think so given the tremendous growth of the category. Yet, despite their growth, fitness wearables have captured only a tiny fraction of their potential market.
Diet: The Missing Element in Our Healthy Lifestyle
The following are the findings from relevance research conducted by Brodeur Partners. The study was based on a national survey of 542 adults conducted June 3-5, 2015 from Toluna’s QuickSurvey panel. Results were weighted to match U.S. Census data.
How We Think, Feel and Act with Respect to Our Finances
We think a lot about money these days. In fact, we think about money more than we think about religion, career and even our love lives. In our study on money and wealth, we asked people whether certain ways of thinking about money and wealth applied to them – and if so, how much. The findings may surprise you.
Wellness in the Workplace
We sought to shed light on workplace wellness and explore those challenges that contain the answers to true return on investment. What we found: Although access to workplace wellness programs has increased, employers and providers still face steep challenges around awareness and acceptance.
The Conversational Relevance™ of Hotel Brands
How do you choose a hotel? By the quality of service? The view? What your friends might think? How about the water pressure in the shower? We examined thousands of online conversations and discovered what really matters when it comes to making a hotel choice.
What Americans Value
We asked Americans to select among a list of things many people hold dear. Topping the list: caring for friends and family, personal health, and a loving relationship. But there was a curious twist when it came to looking at boomers and the affluent.
The Compassionate, Happy, Upbeat American
The news is negative, but the American spirit is high. Despite common perceptions that individuals are cynical and disillusioned, when asked to self-identify, most Americans chose overwhelmingly positive labels, “compassionate” being first.
Retail Relevance Top 10
We asked people which retailers they find more relevant in a world that gives us the low, low prices of Wal-Mart and the sizzle of the Apple store. Amazon’s outright dominance in relevance is one of several interesting findings from our 2012 Retail Relevance Top 10 survey.
Retail Relevance: GenY vs. Boomers
For Boomers, the ideal shopping experience is about getting a good deal on a decent product. For Gen Y, it’s more about a stimulating, sensual, “sharable” experience. This practicality divide is among the many discoveries in an in-depth study on retail relevance in America.
Organizational Relevance: Frameworks and Profiles
What makes an organization relevant? And why do people find some organizations more relevant than others? Do they connect to organizations in different ways? This study by Brodeur Partners exploring these and other dimensions of organizational and brand relevance.
Are You Still Relevant?
Our foundational white paper outlining why being relevant is more important today than ever before.