Engaging Supply Chain on Purpose: CSR-Sustainability’s Next Frontier

In today’s globalized economy, outsourcing business operations doesn’t mean outsourcing responsibilities or risks—or that a company’s responsibility ends once a product is sold. Leading companies understand that they have a role to play throughout the lifecycle of their products and services.
Leading companies work with suppliers toward shared commitments as they recognize that suppliers play an important role in achieving their sustainability goals and those of their customers. Some are increasingly giving procurement process preference to suppliers who can help them achieve these goals.
Supply chain sustainability management is key to maintaining the integrity of a brand, ensuring business continuity and managing operational costs. That is why over the past several years, sustainability has been added to the procurement and sourcing criteria for leading companies. However, many companies still do not have a comprehensive understanding of how the supply chain impacts their overall sustainability goals.
The following report provides an overview of five key insights gleaned from research among CSR and Sustainability professionals and quotes from some about the findings.
Read the full report: