“You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free,”
- Jesus of Nazareth
Jerry’s primary role at Brodeur Partners is managing our relevance research – insights and strategies that help clients become or remain relevant. To each assignment, Jerry brings an array of communications experiences. He has run political campaigns (Texas), advised foreign governments (Japan), managed large brand campaigns (Blackberry during its heyday) and helped companies navigate crisis environments (human clinical trials for the first internal mechanical heart). Jerry’s career has spanned multiple agencies (Ogilvy, Powell Tate, Brodeur), multiple universities (Univ. of Texas, Johns Hopkins, Univ. of Strasbourg) and multiple continents (North America, Europe, Asia). What ties it all together is a desire to use communications to not just change opinions, but also behavior – casting a vote, joining a cause, making a purchase or simply “doing the right thing.” The winning formula lies in having a combination of good intelligence, profound insight, solid strategy and sound judgement. His passions range from theology and epistemology to the behavioral sciences. He’s an avid (but slow) runner, a decent (but erratic) golfer, and a dedicated (but old) martial arts instructor. Jerry enjoys writing, some of which you can find either at www.jerrysjuicebar.com or at the Brodeur blog or on his LinkedIn page. His biggest passion is his family, having been blessed with a beautiful wife, three awesome children, two terrific sons-in-law and four amazing grandchildren.